Friday, February 12, 2010

Folk Art

Bought a couple paintings yesterday. Here's one by Ric Long(pics are by seller--I haven't received these in mail yet):

The other is by a dude from Missouri named Earl Wayne Simmons, who built his residence/art shop (twice--the first burned down in 2002) out of scrap metal and whatever else he could find. I had to buy one of his pieces...I mean, Earl Wayne Simmons represents everything that I consider awesome.

Here is the piece (pics of his residence/art shop/art shack warehouse follow):

And here're some other outsider/folk art pieces I've come across on the online market:
"Pimp" by Spot Daniel (an 80-year old from Arkansas)

"Legs"--Spot Daniel (a dirty old man)

"Space Lady"--Spot Daniel

A few by John Henry Toney, a 70-something Alabaman whose art career started in the min-90's after he plowed up a turnip "with a face on it." His works usually feature his birth date, age, drivers license number, phone number, or a combination of these vital things.
"Delaying the War"

"She loves that little man"

"Interpreting sounds in words"

"A Blessed Woman"

"Her Lips"

"A Cotton Picking Woman With A Cotton Sack"

"We love to see you smile"

I almost bought this crappy old bass because someone had carved "SHEREL/GOD KEEP YOU" on the back.

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About Me

Ann Arbor, MI, United States