Tuesday, February 9, 2010

10 Least Mediocre American Movies of 2009!!!!!!!

1. World's Greatest Dad
2. Moon
10. Zombieland (only because of Bill Murray's short performance)

And the 4 most mediocre:

1. Avatar (watched the first 30 mins. of a download--ie. did not pay)
2. Precious (I didn't see this)
3. The Hurt Locker (another download; pretty depressing when Ebert calls this "one of the best war movies ever made." I threw this burnt disc into the garbage. If you want it, I can fish it out and send it to you for the cost of postage. I really do prefer recycling.)
4. Paranormal Activity

I refused to watch any movies starring Nic Cage this year, even if one is supposedly a pretty decent sf thing and the other is directed by Werner Herzog. The last movie Nic did with a cool director was very far from cool and made me consider the sanity and judgement of this director. Five minutes of viewing--a lifetime of questions. I won't let Nic fuck shit up for me like that ever again. (Though I've seen my share of horrible Werner Herzog efforts...)

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