Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Corey Haim, R.I.P.

Thanks to my friend K.C. in LA I learned that Corey Haim died last night. I've been a C. Haim fan for a long, long time. A good guy, a very corny guy, a guy that could not cope, a guy who lived as a ghost. And now he is a ghost.

Here's a "Licensed To Drive" promo pic that I bought years ago on eBay for around $5.00, signed by the 2 Coreys:

My 5 favorite Corey Haim movies:

1. License To Drive
2. The Lost Boys
3. Blown Away
4. Demolition High
5. Prayer of the Rollerboys

Tagline for "The Double 0 Kid" (1992): "His Weapons: A Super Soaker and a Joystick. His Mission: To Save the World... Before Dinner!"

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Ann Arbor, MI, United States