I've written a short sf story, in journal format, the journal of a man who makes an unfortunate download.
I'm probably going to submit it to Analog, Strange Horizons, Asimov's, etc., though I know they'll just laugh (or shudder, or get pissed off at my crappy writing). So be it.
Anyway, I'll just post it here so it's somewhere other than my hard drive. I like to spread my shit around sometimes. A blog within a blog.
By Ian Fines
3/18/10 1:35pm--Another cloudy day. Another crappy, cold, cloudy day. No rain or snow, just crappy clouds. And mud everywhere from last week’s crappy weather. None of this helps my overall moodiness one bit.
Trace said she’d be stopping by later. We’re supposed to be going downtown for some shopping, maybe dinner--probably at Eduardo’s. I don’t like Eduardo’s much. I once heard they spit in the food. A reliable source told me this. And it does kind of tastes like spit sometimes, now that I think of it. A sweet mucus-y taste to things now and then. I’m especially thinking of the risotto I had there last Spring. Maybe I can convince Trace to eat elsewhere.
I have no idea what she wants to shop for--I don’t need anything.
9:15pm--We ate at Eduardo’s, and you know what? It wasn’t that bad this time. I had spaghetti and meatballs. Played it safe. Trace didn’t, and that’s why she’s in the bathroom right now.
We’re going to watch a movie whenever she comes out.
3/19/10 10:10am--Last night we watched “Planet of Vampires” aka “Terrore nello spazio”…well, at least I watched. Trace fell asleep less than halfway through. Then she woke up, said goodbye and left me alone to finish it. And it was scary in a weird kind of way.
I always seem to have scary dreams after I’ve watched a scary movie--like I mostly always have a happy dream after a happy movie. Surprise, surprise--scary dreams. A night of sweat-inducing nightmares. And all because of a half-scary stupid Italian B movie.
10:42pm--The weather is better and the sky is clear, so I decided to do a little stargazing. A few minutes in, around 9:15, I observed a flash of something like lightning, but something that definitely wasn’t lightning--first, it was a reddish color; second, the “lightning” burst seemed too short and traveled sideways; third, out of this burst came an object, a bright white light-filled object, brighter than all of the stars surrounding it, with no blinking lights of any variety, just vivid brightness. The object went fast across the sky for about fifteen seconds then disappeared. Twenty or so seconds later, a commercial airliner with typically flashing lights went across almost the same route at a quarter of the speed. Three to four minutes later, I noticed a somewhat dimmer light, maybe much higher now, travel horizontally across a different part of the sky for ten seconds then disappear. Again no blinking lights. The first object seemed to be at a much lower altitude than the airliner, much lower than even a helicopter would typically fly.
I still don’t believe in UFOs. What sort of alien would bother to visit metropolitan Detroit?
Afterwards I came inside and started downloading a few more movies. They should be done sometime tomorrow.
3/20/10--3:30pm--Went and applied for a job at the grocery store today. The fancy one with shelves of organic cereals, molecularly distilled fish oil, biodynamic nutrient-enhanced herbal tea, organic salad dressing, organic chicken broth, organic fat-free refried pinto beans, organic multi-grain instant oatmeal, etc etc…I’d been holding off applying there for a while. I’m not having luck anywhere else. I guess I think I can retain some glimmer of self-respect working at the fancy grocery store and not the “normal” grocery store, the kind I shop at. We’ll see what happens.
The movies I started downloading last night are taking longer than expected. So I started to download another, some movie I’ve never heard of, probably another “rare” sci-fi thing like “Liquid Sky” or “Exterminators of the Year 3000” et al... Luckily it finished super fast. And I mean SUPER fast. I’ve never seen bit rates like this before. 900 kB/s+...The others are still going slow, like 14.4/28.8 modem slow. I’m beginning to think that maybe AT&T knows what I’m up to.
6:57pm--I tried to convince Trace to get over here and watch this movie with me. It’s bound to be more exciting than “Planet of Vampires.” But she wanted to go out and see “Avatar” instead. Conformist.
9.40pm--Figures that the “movie” I downloaded so lightning fast is actually not a movie at all, just a bunch of fuzz. That’s right--reddish fuzz, somewhat like an infrared image, dark and lighter reds that hurt my eyes to look at. I put on sunglasses and this helps. In fact, now I think I can make out shapes of things within the fuzz; moving shapes, like there’s a movie playing in there somewhere but my player isn’t compatible with the file format.
Why am I staring at a bunch of fuzz on the TV? Honestly, I can’t seem to come up with a reason other than something about it interests me. The file is labeled “BodyofAxit.avi”…
3/21/10--4:15pm--I’ve watched “Body of Axit” about three or four times today, and it’s kind of like playing a video game; I stare at the TV screen and I lose all sense of time. Except I don’t have a joystick to control things--my mind is the joystick, and each time I watch, I feel like I have more control over what I see. The fuzzy shapes almost seem to move and change the way I want them to change. Even the sound changes. It’s hard to explain, but the white noise accompanying the fuzz has a certain mesmerizing character to it. Like a hidden melody within all the noise. A mystical kind of melody.
And when I get to the end and restart the video, it's not the same the next time around--never the same.
This isn’t a computer screensaver or cheap new age meditation device. This is real. I think maybe even something or someone--even though sounds far-fetched--is trying to communicate with me.
3/22/10--8:04am--Okay, so maybe I’ve taken this a bit far. I finally shut off the TV. But I didn’t want to shut it off. I feel like I was getting somewhere, starting to understand something. I’ve never felt this way before.
I’m going to try to take a day or two off from watching. Maybe I’ll just erase it. Maybe that’s a pretty good idea right now.
10:30am--I’ve been thinking, am I the only person who’s downloaded this??? Are there others out there like me, staring at weird shapes on their TV’s, listening to muffled noises, entranced, transfixed? If so, where are they? Why can’t I find any “Body of Axit” fan clubs, discussion boards, cults, etc.? I checked everywhere and no one seems to have heard of it. It does not exist.
6:04pm--Jason came over. I told him all about Axit, and after some prodding and a measure of personal embarrassment for both of us, he put on the sunglasses and watched for a few minutes…and didn’t see or hear anything. No magical shapes. No hidden mystical melodies. Just fuzz and more fuzz. I felt pretty stupid. Then I put on the glasses and looked. The shapes revolved and changed; beautiful music crept out of the noise, disappeared, then returned even more beautiful.
“Don’t you see that?” I asked him. He shook his head and looked at me funny. “No music in there?” Nope. He probably thinks I’m a little crazy now.
3/23/10--7:11am--I’ve thought about it and I’ve decided to give Axit another go. And why not? Jason can’t see anything, neither can Trace (she tried last night)…Well, so what? That makes this all the more special.
2:46pm--So I switched from watching on TV to using my laptop and headphones--this way I can really study everything. And there’s a huge difference: moving beneath the reddish fuzz, a layer down, tiny points of light, each a different color; the shapes form out of this quickly moving light; and the noise isn’t noise at all, but more like thousands and thousands of musical notes of various lengths and tones, all competing for supremacy. Once in a while, a succession of notes comes through loud and clear, above the rest, a strange shape--or combination of shapes--appear, and I catch myself drooling--literally drooling all over the keyboard--at the sheer beauty of sound and light.
Sometimes the shapes form into more solid, nearly identifiable objects: I made out a sort of chair, a room with a chair in it. I thought I saw a person or being walk across this room and sit down in the chair. I tried as hard as I could, but I couldn’t make out any distinct features of this being. After and hour or so, the tiny lights shifted and the room and the chair and the being were gone.
3/25/10--1:55am--I’m taking a minute off from Axit to take down a few notes. No more than a minute--I have my watch set. Some crazy things have been happening: the room with the chair came back, and so did the being. He/she/it, when not sitting, looked to be working on something along the walls of the room. Not long ago it dragged a large piece of machinery across the room and off-screen. It hasn’t been back since.
I really need to take a shower but I also really don’t want to miss anything. I should eat but I’m not hungry. I need to sleep. I tried to earlier, but I can’t close my eyes for long--all I see is Axit. Then I think, Why not just keep on watching? Besides, I’m not exactly tired. Axit gives me a kind of energy, an odd energy, enough to go on…and on and on.
Time to focus again.
3/26/10--8:02am--Late last night (or early this morning, actually) I finally saw the thing’s ugly face: a sickening sideways mouth, two huge eyes that never blink, and no visible nose. Not at all humanlike. All of a sudden it rushed up to the screen and stared out, like it could see me. It stared and stared, seemed to mouth a few words, then stared some more. After a couple minutes the being looked down for a moment and then held up a sign to the screen. This sign had writing on it--definitely alien writing. A few lines of big alien letters. Then it took down the sign, mouthed a few more words, and stared out at me again.
I’m going to keep away for a while. I think I’ll take a take a walk outside.
3/26/10--5:28pm--So I didn’t keep away for very long. And I never did get outside for a walk. Started right where I left off: now the thing was just sitting there in the chair, not moving at all, some type of uncomfortable-looking apparatus around its head, tubes and wires leading from the apparatus to someplace off screen. I watched for about two hours --no movement from my ugly friend. And no more music or mesmerizing shapes--just the alien in the chair.
At some point I got so bored that I stopped the video and erased it. Or maybe I wasn’t bored so much--maybe, deep down, I’m more than a little freaked out. Either way, it’ll be nice to watch some normal movies for a change.
3/28/10--3:40pm--I haven’t been feeling well the past couple days. Lightheaded, a weird empty feeling. Hollow. Kind of like something is slowly sucking the energy out of me.
And another unsettling thing: I’m slightly losing control of my body. Not like peeing in my pants or anything. This is different. Like my brain isn’t always successful in communicating with the rest of my body. For example, if I want to stand, it seems like I have to tell myself three or four times to get up--actually concentrate hard on standing, everything that the act of standing up entails, down to each tired muscle and ligament, for anything to happen. Walking is even more of a pain in the ass.
I think maybe I have mono or something. Trace thinks I should hurry up and see a doctor. She’s probably right.
3/29/10--10:18am--Trace and Jason helped get me to the doctor this morning. He couldn’t find anything serious, no real sickness. He says it might just be depression, something psychosomatic. I told him I’ve never really been depressed my entire life--and if it is psychosomatic or whatever, I asked, why so sudden? He couldn’t give me an answer, other than he wants me back in for tests three days from now.
I’m going back to sleep. I keep hoping that I can just sleep this all off.
3/30/10--8:40am--I’ve stopped trying to move around. It just takes too much energy--energy I don’t have anyway. So I’ve been laying in bed since yesterday. Sometimes I sit up and check my email.
My body is starting to feel numb. Even typing this is getting a bit difficult to do.
3/31/10--11:13am--Now I can only type with one hand--the left one--and one finger. The rest are totally numb. A cold numbness. Both my legs and most everything else is numb too.
Trace helped me with a lot yesterday, like going to the bathroom. She made me a sandwich, but I still wasn’t hungry--and I’m still not hungry. I haven’t eaten for a while.
4/1/10--7:02am--I am yfguiunoomoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ooooooooooooooooooooop999999999999][p[p’0o;p;il00000000000p;;//poolp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;[
My name is Hadem Axit. I am here in new physical form: moderate height; pale thin skin, covered in hair; moderately weak muscles; bipedal; two arms, two legs, small head with two small eyes; small reproductive glands. Primitive society. Little chance of locating parts required for craft repair. Yet I had no other option. The previous spirit of this body is up there now.
I wish him luck.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
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About Me
- Ian F.
- Ann Arbor, MI, United States
ReplyDeleteYour story came to me by way of your mother to her sister. I am Maureen's husband.
I certainly am not a science fiction afficianado, but I think this is a good and well written story. The length is just long enough and the idea is novel and good.
Keep up the good writing and best of luck in all your endeavors.