Thursday, December 29, 2011

Achim Reichel - Echo - 1972

A variant on the Ash Ra/Cosmic Couriers sound, with basically the same line-up as Seven-Up, the first three sides are sublime.

Julian Cope has said a lot about this recording and Achim Reichel, including:

"But, if artists themselves are uninspired by a particular period of their earlier work, as Achim Reichel has been shown to be, it becomes up to others more motivated to make that work available. And when that work could be utilised by major heads for some serious shamanic endeavour, instead of lying unloved in some freezing and damp corporate catacomb, then it is time for the forward-thinking motherfuckers to shine a light in the darkness and scream out: “Navigation! Navigation! Navigation!”

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Little Tom William

From eBay:
""From the imagination of John Henry Toney comes "A Purple Stud Horse and Little Tom William". The horse is purple, orange and brown with what looks like blue stockings on his legs. Little Tom William is an imaginary character of John Henry's. He has his cap turned backwards and his britches hanging low on the hip. He is smoking a big cigarette with smoke curliing all around. As John Henry puts it, "fire on one end and a fool on the other.""

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Gary McFarland

Not until I'd heard Wendy and Bonnie's "Genesis" LP had I heard anything arranged/produced and/or composed by and sometimes featuring the vibraphone of Gary McFarland.

He died a mysterious death in 1971, in a Manhattan bar, from a drink spiked with methadone.

Friday, January 21, 2011

waste reducing exfoliating body cleanser

bad idea=waste reducing exfoliating body cleanser by Green Natura

This body cleanser, or soap, was provided in the bathroom of The James hotel in Chicago, the place I stayed this past weekend. Each bar has a big oval hole in the middle, "designed to eliminate the unused center of traditional soap bars."

Why is this such a bad idea?

Instead of being left with a little chunk, the "unused center," you're left with a little ring. And this little ring is pretty much the same as a little chunk. From what I can tell, the little leftover ring of waste reducing exfoliating body cleanser is about equal in mass to the typical leftover chunk of your traditional soap.

On the back of the packaging they go on to remind us that "This soap is cruelty free and contains no animal fat or byproducts. This carton is made from natural recycled packaging printed with soy based inks."


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Ann Arbor, MI, United States